About the Service

Posted on Jul 28, 2020

This service is mainly for research and teaching. So please be aware of using it in a productive environment. We want to demonstrate the current technological possibilities and their usage to our students. Over time, we are planning to document our map production workflow on this site. The map is also used in the app MeinGrün.

Data Sources

Please find here our data source. It is not possible to show all these details on the map, so find it here:


For the world view, we used the data from NaturalEarth; this data is published under the public domain.


The OpenStreetMap data belongs to the contributors of the project and is available under the Open Database License (ODbL). Further details can be found at the copyright site. The coastline data comes from the special OSM-site with the same license.


The EU-DEM is a digital elevation model with a spatial resolution of 25 meters. It is free to use with some minor restrictions.

Other DEMs

For better details we mixed the EU-DEM with some OpenData sources in Germany:

For getting all data look at the OpenData portal and thanks to Sony who collected it under the Creative Commons Licence (CC BY 4.0)!